
You are a wild being on this earth that has evolved and inhabited with plants trying to take care of you, elevate you, heal you and nourish you.
Plant Medicine is an ancient and scientific practice engaging with plants as medicine.
Plants have innate wisdom, and so do we. The ecosystem that is you is innately intelligent too! One of the reasons we respond to natural compounds is because we have receptors for them. Herbal medicine's ability to affect body systems is part of the complex way the whole plant communicates with our being. Herbal medicine has been crucial to sustaining the health and well-being of humankind and non-human kin. The first written records of the use of plants for medicine date back over 5,000 years ago, with every known culture, is showing evidence of having relationships with herbs as medicine.
Plants can influence our being in a multitude of ways. Chamomile, for instance, has an antispasmodic activity credited to several flavonol glycosides. Apigenin is the most studied 20 plus flavonoids to be the most potent action. Studies have shown that the flavonoids in chamomile are a stronger antispasmodic than papaverine from the opium poppy. Conventionally, scientists first started extracting and isolating chemicals from plants in the 18th century and looking at plants based on a reductionist approach. We can see how even within the conventional medical systems, herbs have played and continue to play an essential role in medicine.
The word "drug" means dried plant in Latin. Many drugs use active plant constitutes such as Tubocurarine, the most potent muscle relaxant in existence derived from Curare (Chondrodendron tomentosum). The most potent pain reducer, Morphine, comes from the Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum). Anesthetics are derived from plants such as Cocaine, which comes from the Coca plant (Erythroxylum coca) in South America. Many more conventional medicines are derived from isolated plant constituents. Although isolated constituents from plants have shown to be effective in many conditions, whole plant medicine will consistently deliver more sustainable benefits as they create a synergistic experience within our biology.
Teas, tinctures, infused herbal oils, hydrosols, and botanical aromas are a few examples of whole plant medicine preparations. Every drop of tincture, sip of tea and smell of botanical aroma is an invitation to awaken your connection and encourage well-being.
Allow the wisdom of nature to guide you.